Bernal Project: from scene 2 (pt.1)
From Origins of OZETA globe interior eight miles across would contain as much effective space as a countryside one hundred and fifty miles square even if one gave a liberal allowance of air, say fifty feet above the ground.
Bernal Project: from scene 2 (pt.2)
From Origins of OZETWhen the technicalities of space navigation are fully understood there will, from desire or necessity, come the idea of building a permanent home for men in space.
Bernal Project: from scene 8 (pt.1)
From Origins of OZET"To be human is erroneous."
Bernal Project: from scene 8 (pt.2)
From Origins of OZET"To be human is erroneous."
Bernal Project: from scene 5
From Origins of OZETI am still torn on the matter of bird-shooting. I dread the day when conscience shall triumph over palate.
Bernal Project: from scene 6
From Origins of OZETKARA/ALEX: …back and forth insults & laughter. “You’re a pig.” The guitars bombard you.
Bernal Project: from scene 7
From Origins of OZETKARA: Did you hear me say: “So the beasts died for nothing?” ERIC/JAMES/AARON: We heard you. HARRIS: I didn’t.
From Various WorkAll our children, And their children, And their children, sail together, work together, on the [YOUR SHIP HERE]
OZET Songbook: Koba
From Koba / OZET SongbookSomeone must have known him and someone must have killed him and someone has to find the one who killed the only stranger.
Koba: Scene 3
From Koba / OZET SongbookWork Task 5: Play this.
Koba: Scene 4 & 5
From Koba / OZET SongbookENDZELA: Go home, Koba. You’re in way over your head.
Koba: Scene 7
From Koba / OZET SongbookI heard music… out there, in the middle of the forest. It was coming from a kind of lean-to made out of sticks and blankets.
OZET Songbook: OZET Protest Song
From Koba / OZET SongbookWas it right that he should use it to put cream into his coffee and put butter on his rye bread and seduce the local women when my coffee tasted bitter and my nights were so tormented?
OZET Songbook: Spider's Egg
From Koba / OZET SongbookLiquids and powders swirling around us no way of holding them down. Three-dimensional life.
OZET Songbook: When My Children Arrive
From Koba / OZET SongbookThey’ll be born on that river
who make it across
for that river’s eight childhoods wide
Albert 2
From Alberts I-VFootage captured of Albert 2 (Kirilov) before the unfortunate centrifuge accident that cost him his life.
Leonid Pavlovich Titov
From Alberts I-VThe OZET pioneer (Albert 5) is shown exercising in rural Russia before joining the Space Program.
Avram Selig Eichenbaum
From Alberts I-VThe OZET pioneer (Albert 3) is shown wandering the streets around Sobornyi Square in Zhytomyr before joining the Space Program.
Excerpts from Alberts I-V
From Alberts I-VWe are not the first men in space,
but we are the men who carried a table
off the face of the earth to prove
that civilization can thrive somewhere new.
OZET Archival Footage #20332-A
From Alberts I-V6 March 1918
Veksler Training Complex
3 Miles West of Zyhtomyr
Birds in Boxes
From Alberts I-VI had a vision, an experiment to try:
put birds in boxes, lift them by balloons.
On the OZET
From Various WorkBeautiful images from the Collective Sphere OZET.
From Various WorkUniversal OZET Day is every March 6. Celebrate with this propaganda film.
The Smuggler (OZET Generation: 19)
From Various WorkAn OZET Film.
OzetBand: Hart St. Concert (pt.1)
From Various WorkBirds in Boxes
You Drunken Fuck
OzetBand: Hart St. Concert (pt.2)
From Various WorkDifferent Man
You’re Going
OzetBand: Hart St. Concert (pt.3)
From Various WorkThe Smuggler
Spider’s Egg
Did They See Us?
OZET Protest Song (aka Milk Cow Song)
I keep dreaming about an atmosphere.
From Various WorkI keep dreaming about an atmosphere. (Is it on Earth?)
We don’t have one. (on the OZET)
An Ode to Our Travellers of the Constellations
From Common Hall Village 20Carina slices into the sea of space
among the shining spray of stars am I
The Good Wishes and Wisdom of a High Member of the Grand Council
From Common Hall Village 20Trust the council. Make your homes thrive as we safeguard OZET’s course.
To the Fifteenth Generation! And to OZET!
The Council Ends the Festival
From Common Hall Village 20The sky is dark. [We]
have no confusion.
Your parents could see
a blue illusion.
Festival Broadcast
From Common Hall Village 20The adult pioneers now gather together for these purposes…
OZET: Excerpts 1 (2009-2011)
From Various WorkLULLABY, Koba/OZET Songbook,
OZET Archival footage #20332-A,
Albert 2, Avram and Leonid,
Alberts I-V, The Smuggler, Hart St.
OZET: Excerpts 2 (2012)
From Various WorkCommon Hall Village 20
OZET Katorga Workshop #1
Drinking Ritual
From Various WorkCousin, who will drive the harrow? Thirteen empty stokas wait.
Autumn calls for rye. Sow while it’s light.
Katorga Retraction Film
From KatorgaFor 12 days a year the OZET shuts down in order to allocate energy to the retraction of the Katorga, docking, deposit of mushrooms and prisoners, and the final release back out.
Katorga Retraction Holiday
From Katorga11 hours.
long night / long song / mark the hours come and gone / cow in the gray barn /child in the hayloft
An Introduction to the Katorga Images
From KatorgaThere is general agreement that the death of THE WOMAN precipitated the prison reform movement of the early Fifteenth Generation and the eventual closure of the Katorga prison colony.
100-Year-Old Man ChimeBox Movie + [The] servant (cleaning up in the next room) cannot make music.
From Various WorkFilmed in Stony Point, NY and at the Incubator Arts Project in May 2013.
OZET Katorga: Past 2 (The Group)
From KatorgaA sketch film for Katorga Section 3.
OzetSet: Silent Barn
From Various WorkOZET makes its first appearance at auto-didactic cooperative performance space The Silent Barn with OzetSet: two hours of soundscapes, grooves, songs, films, and rituals.
OZET: Excerpts 3 (2012-2014)
From Various WorkKatorga Workshop #1-3
Drinking Ritual
[The] servant (cleaning up in the next room) cannot make music.
OZETset: Silent Barn
OZET: Katorga [section 2]
From KatorgaPIONEER: The council sent the call to cut away the hill gouge iron from the cliff to forge into a chain to coil inside a cave like entrails of a calf.
OZET: Katorga [section 1]
From KatorgaWARDEN: What beauty behind us. Silver eyeball, see us and turn. Forget everything all you won.
OZET: Katorga [section 4c]
From KatorgaWARDEN: Take your harvest to the scale. Look around! Who can speak for her Cousins? You! To the scale! Now!
OZET: Katorga [section 7 & 8]
From KatorgaAs for me, she said, I shall be quite satisfied to leave a world where action is never sister of the dream.
OZET Protest Song (AKA The Milk Cow Song) - Group 5643
From Various WorkFrom the hills: A rare version of the Protest Song from Cousin Greg and Cousin Dave of Group 5643. (Filmed in Idaho in 2009.)
Katorga: section 6
From KatorgaAn OZET film directed by Jayce Bartok. It is based on the June 2014 stage production Katorga. It stars Becky Baumwoll and Stuart Rudin.
Generation 6 Infinity Song no.2714
From Various WorkAt the dawn of the day in the Age of Forever! Voices raised: Awake at the dawn of the day.
OoRT Prologue Trailer
From OoRT Prologue: Seed Silent in the FieldTrailer for 2017’s theatrical-musical ritual, OoRT Prologue: Seed Silent in the Field.
OoRT Cake Recipe Film
From OoRTLearn how to make OZET OoRT Cakes!
OoRT Prologue: Seed Silent in the Field
From OoRT Prologue: Seed Silent in the FieldA theatrical-musical ritual representing the Cousins of Village 4 as they maintain the fragile gift economy of OZET’s 22nd Generation. Onions, beets, plum brandy, sheep. (Full performance.)
classical heat death
From Various WorkMineral deposits at the core of the OZET are found through one of the original tunnels carved into the rock.
OoRT or Why Pigs?: Section 3
From OoRTNight, not long before dawn, on the road at the entrance to Village 4.
OZET presents original research on the (Augmented) Periodic Infinity Organ.
From OZET presents original research on the (Augmented) Periodic Infinity Organ.Filmed in live at The Brick, Brooklyn, NY, on July 20, 2019.